
Archive for May, 2012

People can get frustrated when they want to see into the other side and are not successful. I am aware of this frustration because I work with people in viewing their Key Past Lifetimes.

In this work, I assist people to experience their past lifetimes themselves. I teach people to use the right side of their brains and focus on an earlier lifetime.  One of the obstacles when people do not communicate with a past life is their expectation.

They expect to see individuals just as they exist on this plane. People on the other side are in the NOW and NOT in the third dimension as we are. Our dimension is dense as the particles are closely compacted and people seem solid here.

On the other side in the NOW, the particles are not so closely compacted and the beings seem more ethereal rather than solid. Once this is understood, it becomes easy to view the gifts and accomplishments of the past.

Using the right side of the brain cannot be taught in an email as there are steps that must be taken as the seeker and I work together interactively.

You can find more information athttp://www.the2012countdown.com/Connect_to_a_past_life.html

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